Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13- Ian Schaeffer

Thousands, even millions, of students are threaded through the American school system, agonizingly slow, with small bits of course material presented each year in every subject matter. This makes for a slow process, which is exactly why America should fully do away with its school system. This abolition would open up hundreds of hours for youth to take on more productive roles, such as participating in harvests. Imagine the hard-working, spirited youth that would be created if instead of going to school and wasting time puzzling over numbers and figures, students could devote their attention to raising some mean corn on the cob. Not only would it build character, a virtue that must be considered paramount for any youth, but it would also result in the explosion of production rates in the food department, flooding the crop market with organic veggies. Let's return to the days of old; we have computers and technology to handle everything else- we need to stop wasting our youth's time by throwing them into schools, and start making America an organic food superpower by throwing them into the fields for the harvest.

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