Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 9- Tom Polites

War has plagued the world since the beginning of time. There have been innumerable armed conflicts, and a great number of these have been over differences that could easily be resolved without bloodshed. When thinking of the unnecessary wars throughout history, the Crusades comes to mind. This is a prime example of a petty difference, more specifically, difference in religion, that can be peacefully resolved and is not worth the loss of life.

However, situations arise when war becomes imperative. The second World War exemplifies this. With Hitler and the Nazis terrorizing Europe, the Allies had a responsibility to stop them from wreaking havoc. Although WWII caused destruction and a had a negative impact on millions of lives, it was necessary. This great conflict kept the fascist Axis powers from ruling the world, something I think we can agree would have been detrimental to civilization.

While avoiding War is ideal, situations such as the second great war make it unavoidable. Nobody wants to see their friends or family sent to a foreign land to possibly die, but it must be done on some occasions for, even though it sounds cliche, the greater good.

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