Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 14- Tom Polites

While some think that Thanksgiving is a boring holiday that just extends the wait until we can blast Christmas music, it is my second favorite holiday. This year my family and I went to Vero Beach, Florida where our Grandparents own a condominium. In contrast to common tradition, our Thanksgiving was not spent in the 40-50 degree weather of central Kentucky, but rather the steamy 80 degree weather of the Atlantic Coast. This year we hit the beach at 10 A.M. and stayed there until 2 in the afternoon. When we spend Thanksgivings in Kentucky, rather than going to la playa, we just hang out and watch football. As most people probably feel, the food at Thanksgiving is my favorite part of the day.  My favorite dish at Thanksgiving is corn pudding that my mom makes to perfection. However I grub the hardest on turkey and gravy, which I will normally get three helpings of. After dinner we usually go to a movie. This year we went to see the new Harry Potter film, which did not disappoint. Then, if we haven't already fallen asleep from our excessive food consumption, we will watch the Christmas classic "It's a Wonderful Life".

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